Fluidity Forum
Detroit, Michigan, USA
6PM Thursday - 4PM Sunday, September 11 - 14, 2025
Fluidity Forum is a gathering about metamodernity, sense-making, rationalism, metarationality, and thinking-about-thinking, for bloggers, their readers, and enthusiasts.
There will be solo talks and panel discussions on topics such as (see the glossary) a metarationality curriculum, civilizational redesign, internal family systems, developmental theory, erisology, social media algorithms, conflict resolution, psychology, consilience, comparative religion, secular meditation, legibility & many others common in this space.
…or whatever cool, interesting, fun, or intellectual topics the attendees want to present on!
Sign up for the event’s newsletter on Substack newsletter to keep in the loop about event announcements.
There’s a YouTube channel with video and audio of sessions from our first two years.
If you would like to be involved with Fluidity Forum 2025, it’s not too late to reach out.